Probing the Planthroposcene: Excerpts from a Dis-service Society

Alexandra Toland
Installation (2019)

Can “ecosystem services” and disservices provided by plants be seen as phyto-technologies of multi-species societies? How are spaces of creative dissonance, resilience, and resistance created by outliers: pests, parasites, invasive species, and allergens? What moral agency do humans have in determining the assets and liabilities of plants under the environmental strains of the Anthropocene? These questions are explored through an assemblage of objects, images and recordings featuring plants as protagonists in natureculture habitats along roadsides, probing what Natasha Myers (2016) has dubbed the Planthroposcene.

Credits: Concept, Dust Etching, Images: Alexandra Toland (Bauhaus University Weimar). Further Image credits: Uwe Starfinger (Julius Kühn-Institut). 3D pollen imaging: Michael Braun (Bauhaus Universität Weimar). Glass casting: Lena Trost (IKKG – Hochschule Koblenz Glass Studio). Film: Johanna Ickert and René Arnold

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